Q&A for people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute on bicycles
WITH CountryTags AS ( SELECT U.Location, T.TagName, COUNT(*) AS QuestionCount FROM Posts P INNER JOIN Users U ON P.OwnerUserId = U.Id INNER JOIN PostTags PT ON P.Id = PT.PostId INNER JOIN Tags T ON PT.TagId = T.Id WHERE P.PostTypeId = 1 AND -- Questions U.Location = 'Japan' -- 日本に限定 GROUP BY U.Location, T.TagName ), RankedCountryTags AS ( SELECT Location, TagName, QuestionCount, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Location ORDER BY QuestionCount DESC) AS Rank FROM CountryTags ) SELECT Location, TagName, QuestionCount FROM RankedCountryTags WHERE Rank <= 10