Q&A for people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute on bicycles
SELECT q.Id AS QuestionId, q.CreationDate AS QuestionCreationDate, q.OwnerUserId AS QuestionOwnerId, q.Score AS QuestionScore, a.Id AS AnswerId, a.CreationDate AS AnswerCreationDate, a.OwnerUserId AS AnswerOwnerId, a.Score AS AnswerScore FROM Posts q, Posts a WHERE --(q.Id = a.ParentId --AND q.PostTypeId = 1 --AND a.PostTypeId = 2 --AND DATEDIFF(second, a.CreationDate, q.CreationDate) BETWEEN -1 AND 60) OR q.Id = a.ParentId AND q.PostTypeId = 1 AND a.PostTypeId = 2 AND q.OwnerUserId = a.OwnerUserId AND DATEDIFF(second, a.CreationDate, q.CreationDate) BETWEEN -1 AND 3600;-- OR --(q.PostTypeId = 1 --AND (q.Score > 10 OR a.Score > 10) --AND DATEDIFF(second, a.CreationDate, q.CreationDate) BETWEEN -1 AND 60);