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Board and Card Games

Q&A for people who like playing board games, designing board games or modifying the rules of existing board games

SELECT se.id as SuggestedId,102 RejectionReasonId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY se.OwnerUserId ORDER BY se.CreationDate) as preSuggEditCount
FROM SuggestedEdits se
where se.Id in (
    select se.Id
    from SuggestedEdits se
    inner join reviewtasks rt on rt.suggestededitid = se.id
    inner join reviewtaskResults rtr on rtr.id = rt.CompletedByReviewTaskId
    left outer join ReviewRejectionReasons rrr on rrr.id = rtr.RejectionReasonId
    where rtr.ReviewTaskResultTypeId = 3
    and se.Text is not NULL
    and rtr.RejectionReasonId = 102
    and rejectiondate between cast('2015-01-01' as datetime)
                    and cast('2017-01-01' as datetime)
and se.OwnerUserId IS NOT NULL
and se.OwnerUserId <> -1

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