Q&A for users and developers of the Cardano cryptocurrency ecosystem
SELECT TOP(##num?500##) u.Id AS [User Link], u.CreationDate, 'site://users/'+CAST(u.id AS varchar)+'?tab=badges' AS [List of Badges], MIN(p.Id) AS [Post Link] ---FROM Users u INNER JOIN Badges b ON b.UserId=u.Id FROM Users u INNER JOIN Posts p ON (p.OwnerUserId=u.Id) AND (p.PostTypeId in (##types?1,2##)) ---types=1,2 - both questions and answer ---types=1 - only questions ---types=2 - only answers WHERE u.Id NOT IN (SELECT u.Id from Users u JOIN Badges b ON b.userid = u.id and b.name = '##badge?Informed##') GROUP BY u.Id, u.CreationDate ORDER BY u.CreationDate DESC