Q&A for users and developers of the Cardano cryptocurrency ecosystem
SELECT YEAR(MAX(L.CreationDate)) AS Year, 'site://posts/'+CAST(MAX(P.Id) AS nvarchar)+'|'+MAX(P.Title), COUNT(*) AS DupedCount FROM ( SELECT TOP ##TopFAQs:int?10## MAX(L.RelatedPostId) AS PostId, COUNT(*) AS DupedCount FROM PostLinks L WHERE L.LinkTypeId = 3 -- dup GROUP BY L.RelatedPostId HAVING COUNT(*) > ##MinDupedCount:int?2000## --ORDER BY DupedCount DESC ) PopularDupTargets JOIN Posts P ON P.Id = PopularDupTargets.PostId JOIN PostLinks L ON L.RelatedPostId = PopularDupTargets.PostId GROUP BY YEAR(L.CreationDate), PopularDupTargets.PostId ORDER BY YEAR(L.CreationDate) ASC