Votes over time


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declare @start datetime = (
select top 1 dateadd(day, datediff(day, getdate(), CreationDate), getdate())
from Posts
group by datediff(day, getdate(), CreationDate)
having count(*) >= ##betathreshold?10##
order by datediff(day, getdate(), CreationDate)

declare @stop datetime = (
select top 1 dateadd(day, datediff(day, getdate(), CreationDate), getdate())
from Posts
group by datediff(day, getdate(), CreationDate)
having count(*) >= ##betathreshold##
order by datediff(day, getdate(), CreationDate) desc

select dateadd(week, datediff(week, @start, CreationDate), @start),
       count(*)/7.0 Votes
from Votes
where CreationDate between @start and @stop
group by datediff(week, @start, CreationDate)
order by datediff(week, @start, CreationDate)

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