Q&A for users and developers of the Cardano cryptocurrency ecosystem
SELECT * FROM (SELECT T.TagName, Year(a.creationDate) yr, CASE WHEN (GROUPING(Substring(DateName(m,a.creationDate),1,3)) = 1) THEN 'Total' ELSE Substring(DateName(m,a.creationDate),1,3) END mh , SUM(a.score) Score FROM Posts a INNER JOIN Posts q ON a.ParentID = q.id INNER JOIN postTags pt ON q.id = pt.PostId INNER JOIN Tags t ON Pt.TagiD = t.id WHERE a.owneruserID = ##UserID## GROUP BY t.TagName, Year(a.creationDate) , Substring(DateName(m,a.creationDate),1,3) WITH ROLLUP HAVING GROUPING (Year(a.creationDate)) = 0 ) SourceTable PIVOT ( sum( Score ) FOR mh IN ([Jan],[Feb],[Mar],[Apr],[May],[Jun],[Jul],[Aug],[Sep],[Oct],[Nov],[Dec], [Total]) ) AS PivotTable