With great power comes great responsibility. See http://stackoverflow.com/help/roomba. The check for reopen votes is usually too conservative, but votes should expire after 14 days at the most. This query excludes questions that are duplicate targets, even though the roomba would be willing to delete them.
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--MaxQScore: Max Question Score declare @qscore int = ##MaxQScore:int?1## --MaxAScore: Max Answer Score declare @ascore int = ##MaxAScore:int?1## declare @now datetime = getdate() select distinct top ##Top:int?200## q.Id as [Post Link], q.Score, max(a.Score) as [Best Answer], q.CreationDate, q.ClosedDate, q.ViewCount from Posts q -- find edits from the past 9 days left join PostHistory ph on ph.PostId = q.Id and datediff(d, ph.CreationDate, @now) <= 9 -- find reopen votes cast in the last 14 days left join Votes v on v.PostId = q.Id and v.VoteTypeId = '7' and datediff(d, v.CreationDate, @now) <= 14 left join Posts a on q.Id = a.ParentId -- see if question is a duplicate target left join PostLinks pl on RelatedPostId = q.Id and LinkTypeId = 3 where -- question was closed more than 9 days ago q.ClosedDate is not null and datediff(d, q.ClosedDate, @now) > 9 -- not closed as a duplicate and (select top 1 Comment from PostHistory ph where ph.PostId = q.Id and PostHistoryTypeId = 10 order by Id desc) not in (1, 101) and q.Score <= @qscore -- is not locked and coalesce((select top 1 PostHistoryTypeId from PostHistory where PostHistory.PostId = q.Id and PostHistory.PostHistoryTypeId in (14, 15) -- post locked, unlocked order by Id desc), 0) <> 14 and q.AcceptedAnswerId is null and (q.Score > 0 or a.Score > 0) and q.Tags like '%' + ##Tags:string?%## + '%' group by q.Id, q.Score, q.CreationDate, q.ClosedDate, q.ViewCount having coalesce(max(a.Score),0) <= @ascore and count(ph.Id) = 0 -- no recent edits and count(v.Id) = 0 -- no recent reopen votes and count(pl.Id) = 0 -- not a duplicate target order by max(a.Score), q.Score, CreationDate select @now as [Time of query]