SELECT p.Id, v.postid AS [Post Link], p.Score, p.viewCoun...


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Q&A for serious players and enthusiasts of chess

SELECT p.Id, v.postid AS [Post Link], p.Score, p.viewCount, p.AnswerCount, p.title, t.tagName, p.creationDate
FROM Posts p
INNER JOIN votes v on p.Id=v.postid
INNER JOIN PostTags pt ON pt.PostId = p.Id
INNER JOIN Tags t ON t.Id = pt.TagId

WHERE ( t.TagName = 'tensorflow-datasets' or t.TagName = 'tensorflow-layers' or t.TagName = 'distributed-tensorflow' )
    and p.AnswerCount = 0 
    and p.creationDate > '2019-01-01'
    and p.Score > 0
GROUP BY p.Id, p.title,p.AnswerCount, p.CreationDate, p.Score, p.Tags, t.TagName, v.postid, p.viewcount
ORDER BY  p.CreationDate DESC

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