Q&A for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Chinese language
DECLARE @Days INT = ##Days##; -- Days: Past Days "Enter the number of past days to search" SELECT TOP 100 q.Id AS [Post Link], q.ViewCount AS Views, vUp.UpvoteCount AS [Upvotes], vDown.DownvoteCount AS [Downvotes], q.Score, q.CreationDate, q.Tags FROM Posts q LEFT JOIN (SELECT PostId, COUNT(*) AS UpvoteCount FROM Votes WHERE VoteTypeId = 2 -- 2 represents upvotes GROUP BY PostId) vUp ON q.Id = vUp.PostId LEFT JOIN (SELECT PostId, COUNT(*) AS DownvoteCount FROM Votes WHERE VoteTypeId = 3 -- 3 represents downvotes GROUP BY PostId) vDown ON q.Id = vDown.PostId WHERE q.PostTypeId = 1 AND DATEDIFF(day, q.CreationDate, GETDATE()) <= @Days ORDER BY q.ViewCount DESC;