Test \C


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--We do not want the macro to be followed by alphanumerical character
--For example we want to match: \C but not \Cov, \norm but not \normalsize, \Q but not \quad
--thanks to rene for suggestion to use regex: https://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/1223/2019/2/1
SELECT TOP ##num?50##
  Id As [Post Link], OwnerUserId AS [User Link], CreationDate, LastActivityDate,  Score, ViewCount, Body
  FROM Posts WHERE (upper(Body) LIKE '%[^\]\C[^A-Z]%') 
    AND NOT(Body LIKE '%\newcommand%') 
    AND NOT(Body LIKE '%\DeclareMathOperator%') 
    AND NOT(Body LIKE '%\def%') 
  ORDER BY CreationDate DESC

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