Q&A for administrators and users of the CiviCRM Constituent Relationship Management software
set nocount on declare @VoteStats table (PostId int, up int, down int) insert @VoteStats select PostId, up = sum(case when VoteTypeId = 2 then 1 else 0 end), down = sum(case when VoteTypeId = 3 then 1 else 0 end) from Votes where VoteTypeId in (2,3) group by PostId set nocount off select top 50 Id as [Post Link], ViewCount as Views, up as "⬆️", down as "⬇️", score, Tags, CreationDate from @VoteStats join Posts p on PostId = p.Id WHERE PostTypeId = 1 and DATEDIFF(day, CreationDate, getdate())<=30 Order By Score Desc