Count number of questions, answers and comments on a tag


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Q&A for administrators and users of the CiviCRM Constituent Relationship Management software

select sum( case when posttypeid = 1 then 1 else null end)  [Questions]
     , sum( case when posttypeid = 2 then 1 else null end)  [Answers]
     , sum( case when posttypeid  in (1,2) then 1 else null end)  [Total]
     , sum( case when posttypeid = 1 then commentcount else 0 end)  [Q-cmts]
     , sum( case when posttypeid = 2 then commentcount else 0 end)  [A-cmts]
     , sum( case when posttypeid  in (1,2) then commentcount else 0 end)  [Tot-cmts]
     , sum( case when posttypeid = 1 then cast(Favoritecount as bigint) else null end)  [Tot-Bookmarked]
     , sum( case when posttypeid = 1 then cast(Viewcount as bigint) else null end)  [Tot-Views]
from posts p
inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = coalesce(p.parentid,
inner join tags t on = pt.tagid
where t.tagname = ##tag:string?bitbucket##

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