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/*select top 100 * from VoteTypes;
select top 100 * 
from Votes 
where PostId = 356123;
select cont(v.Id), v.PostId, vt.Name
from Votes v,
     VoteType vt
where v.VoteTypeId = vt.Id
and vt.Name in ('UpMode','DownMode')

select top 10 v.PostId, vt.Name
    from Votes v,
         VoteTypes vt
    where v.VoteTypeId = vt.Id
    and vt.Name = 'UpMode'

with rankedupvotes as (
    select top 10 count(v.Id) VoteCount, v.PostId
    from Votes v
    where v.VoteTypeId = 2
    group by v.PostId
    order by count(v.Id) desc

rankeddownvotes as (
    select top 10 count(v.Id) VoteCount, v.PostId
    from Votes v
    where v.VoteTypeId = 3
    group by v.PostId
    order by count(v.Id) desc

select PostId, VoteCount
from rankedupvotes
union all
select PostId, VoteCount
from rankeddownvotes;
select top 100 * from PostHistoryTypes;

select * from posts where Id = 356123;
select * from SuggestedEdits where PostId = 356123;
/*select * from ReviewTasks rt 
inner join ReviewTaskResults rtr 
on rt.Id = rtr.ReviewTaskId
where rt.PostId = 356123;*/

--select * from PostHistory where PostId = 356123;

select PostId, Comment
from (select PostId, Comment,
             row_number() over (order by CreationDate desc) as rownum
             from PostHistory where PostId = 356123)
where rownum = 1;

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