Q&A about the site for administrators and users of the CiviCRM Constituent Relationship Management software
CREATE TABLE #yt ([Store] int, [Week] int, [xCount] int) ; INSERT INTO #yt ([Store], [Week], [xCount]) VALUES (102, 1, 96), (101, 1, 138), (105, 1, 37), (109, 1, 59), (101, 2, 282), (102, 2, 212), (105, 2, 78), (109, 2, 97), (105, 3, 60), (102, 3, 123), (101, 3, 220), (109, 3, 87) ; select store from ( select store, week, xCount from #yt ) src pivot ( sum(xcount) for week in ([1], [2], [3]) ) piv;