This report lists all the bounties offered and earned. It differentiates between bounties offered on questions that the bounty-supplier owns (Self) or does not own (Promotes).
Q&A for peer programmer code reviews
-- This report lists all the bounties offered and earned. -- It differentiates between bounties offered on questions that -- the bounty-supplier owns (Self) or does not own (Promotes). WITH Bounties AS ( SELECT UserID AS UserID, 0 AS GetCount, 0 AS GetAmount, COUNT(BountyAmount) AS GiveCount, SUM(BountyAmount) AS GiveAmount, SUM(case when Posts.OwnerUserId = Votes.UserId then 1 else 0 end) AS SelfCount, SUM(case when Posts.OwnerUserId = Votes.UserId then BountyAmount else 0 end) AS SelfAmount FROM Votes, Posts WHERE Votes.PostId = Posts.Id AND VoteTypeId = 8 -- Offered Bounty GROUP BY UserID UNION SELECT Posts.OwnerUserID AS UserID, COUNT(BountyAmount) AS GetCount, SUM(BountyAmount) AS GetAmount, 0 AS GiveCount, 0 AS GiveAmount, 0 AS SelfCount, 0 AS SelfAmount FROM Votes, Posts WHERE Votes.PostId = Posts.ID AND VoteTypeId = 9 -- Awarded Bounty GROUP BY Posts.OwnerUserID ) SELECT UserID AS [User Link], SUM(GiveCount - SelfCount) AS Pomotions, SUM(GiveAmount - SelfAmount) AS PromotedAmount, SUM(GetCount) AS GetCount, SUM(GetAmount) AS GetAmount, SUM(GiveCount) AS GiveCount, SUM(GiveAmount) AS GiveAmount, SUM(SelfCount) AS SelfCount, SUM(SelfAmount) AS SelfAmount, SUM(GiveCount + GetCount) AS EventCount, SUM(GetAmount - GiveAmount) AS NetBenefit FROM Bounties GROUP BY UserID ORDER BY PromotedAmount DESC, EventCount DESC, NetBenefit DESC