Shows the breakdown of the close reasons you've used in successfully closed questions.
Q&A for peer programmer code reviews
-- How many questions have I helped to close? -- Shows the breakdown of the close reasons you've used in successfully closed questions. DECLARE @userId int = ##UserId## DECLARE @searchUserId1 nvarchar(25) = '%"Id":' + CAST(@userId AS nvarchar(MAX)) + '}' DECLARE @searchUserId2 nvarchar(25) = '%"Id":' + CAST(@userId AS nvarchar(MAX)) + ',%' DECLARE @closeReasons table ( Id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Description nvarchar(200) NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO @closeReasons VALUES (1, 'Exact duplicate'), (2, 'Off topic'), (3, 'Subjective and argumentative'), (4, 'Not a real question'), (7, 'Too localized'), (20, 'Noise or pointless') SELECT ( CASE WHEN GROUPING(Description) = 1 THEN '(Total)' ELSE (CASE WHEN Description IS NULL THEN '(Unknown)' ELSE Description END) END ) AS 'Close Reason', SUM(Count) AS Count FROM ( SELECT CAST(PostHistory.Comment AS int) AS CloseReasonId, 1 AS Count FROM PostHistory WHERE (PostHistoryTypeId = 10) AND ((Text LIKE @searchUserId1) OR (Text LIKE @searchUserId2)) ) a LEFT OUTER JOIN @closeReasons cr ON cr.Id = a.CloseReasonId GROUP BY Description WITH ROLLUP ORDER BY GROUPING(Description), SUM(Count) DESC