Q&A for peer programmer code reviews
-- Editor, Strunk & White, Copy Editor ;with Requirements(Description, Requirement) as ( select 'Editor' , 1 union all select 'Strunk & White', 80 union all select 'Copy Editor' , 500 ) select [User Link] = ##UserId##, [Edits] = c.countRevisions, [Badge] = r.description, [Requirement] = r.Requirement, [To Go] = (select max(ToGo) from (values (r.Requirement - countRevisions), (0)) [ ] (ToGo)) from ( select count(DISTINCT ph.RevisionGUID) as countRevisions from PostHistory ph where ph.PostHistoryTypeId in (4,5) -- check in PostHistoryTypes for these magic numbers and ph.UserId = ##UserId## and not exists (select * from Posts p where p.OwnerUserId = ph.UserId and p.Id = ph.PostId) ) c inner loop join Requirements r on 1=1 order by r.Requirement desc