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create table #weeks (weeknum int) declare @d0 datetime select @d0 = min(creationdate) from posthistory declare @wk int set @wk = 0 while dateadd(week, @wk, @d0) < getdate() begin insert into #weeks select @wk set @wk = @wk + 1 end; with activity as ( select userid, creationdate from ( select distinct userid, creationdate, revisionguid from posthistory where userid in (##UserIds?351462,286501,259412,352329##) and posthistorytypeid not in (1, 2, 3) -- covered by posts below ) x union all select owneruserid, creationdate from suggestededits where owneruserid in (##UserIds##) union all select owneruserid, creationdate from posts where owneruserid in (##UserIds##) ), tallies as ( select weeknum, userid, count(*) actions from ( select userid, datediff(week, @d0, creationdate) weeknum from activity) a group by userid, weeknum ), withzeroes as ( -- lazily clamp to leftdate select period, userid, avg(1.0 * actions) over (partition by userid order by period rows ##WindowSize?3## preceding) actions, row_number() over (partition by userid order by period) k from ( -- the graph data select dateadd(week, w.weeknum, @d0) period, us.userid, coalesce(t.actions, 0) actions from #weeks w cross join (select distinct userid from tallies) us left outer join tallies t on t.weeknum = w.weeknum and t.userid = us.userid ) x where period >= '##LeftDate?2014-01-01 00:00:00##' ) -- clean up consecutive similar values because dots on graph are annoying select c.period, (select displayname from users where id = c.userid) displayname, c.actions from withzeroes c left outer join withzeroes p on p.k = c.k - 1 and p.userid = c.userid left outer join withzeroes n on n.k = c.k + 1 and n.userid = c.userid where p.actions is null or p.actions <> c.actions or n.actions is null or n.actions <> c.actions order by c.period, displayname