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Coffee Meta

Q&A about the site for people interested in all aspects of producing and consuming coffee

-- Query to retrieve question title, question body, and answer body for specific answer IDs
    q.Title AS question_title,
    q.Body AS question_body,
    a.Body AS answer_body
    Posts AS a -- Answers table
    INNER JOIN Posts AS q -- Questions table
        ON a.ParentId = q.Id -- Link answers to their questions
    a.Id IN (50914279, 12184310, 43084139, 36111252, 6066138, 51552158, 36193862, 29433512, 39329231, 10860779, 23018311, 44361054, 41812769, 47047906, 36082890, 20678410, 17733591, 27829108, 36901069, 43424961, 10866882, 55960164, 15010817, 37983687, 10208107, 1625263, 12789855, 8410349, 33995353, 50880653, 7545214, 11768806, 29977472, 13786121, 17838103, 31142102, 47896385, 56222915, 29493408, 21355549, 14905042, 18081822, 8677241, 48491306, 14638781, 25874367, 11565836, 40649677, 29365119, 26990093, 13620194, 10303285, 5010866, 54502983, 25355024, 41682145, 47120798, 35941144, 16150168, 45483923, 55662807, 22635515, 21592591, 53112804, 32052016, 9709957, 40693862, 3428936, 36692882, 27533833, 39007390, 36380085, 53115915, 6869099, 38810461, 43378278, 25455169, 55660871, 42371407, 43378371, 46229475, 51501707, 21221607, 2944454, 28384969, 9493077, 16717588, 35146300, 47160222, 30148397, 40895483, 30577579, 43772503, 36590951, 13979195, 53490023, 49636619, 39141198, 47470101, 39978269, 50117814, 45224208, 41664155, 44675378, 36511892, 49769188, 20849757, 12328838, 26873695, 20910920, 29037848, 157950, 35761872, 54222614, 57579332, 26899708, 28023025, 9817569, 49925253, 18940274, 57233248, 53568382, 47656238, 39943725, 27309734, 1656128, 37222866, 47154499, 54729104, 1776316, 44569804, 23230499, 28813362, 2988138, 18297873, 2211059, 15294574, 47005719, 40567419, 53015417, 35281324, 24863310, 18606787, 14824339, 21880569, 43923171, 18455037, 34669657, 2759040, 14723585, 23256850, 35812804, 47988363, 33514475, 1698940, 37661884, 2657537, 27595829, 36154732, 22801097, 4574744, 31161307, 21976670, 38668473, 23791742, 41667161, 6361478, 26805838, 36020895, 40524762, 3461652, 30432819, 23064660, 27511080, 29575766, 5378078, 21165152, 16262133, 30514746, 57714052, 15614033, 43820168, 39869335, 10123002, 15848792, 6864919, 12404357, 42048728, 55600707, 3769280, 1858532, 45894161, 37730300, 29976863, 22828461, 55039559, 28436609, 36633731, 39855415, 49713126, 18943220, 26235053, 38332574, 30878703, 21425045, 15137800, 31495483, 16871225, 26378663, 24805469, 19205116, 28773926, 23154161, 47142985, 46328704, 16158317, 18794993, 1415002, 14880495, 49686701, 12451949, 35048977, 20711458, 1873471, 31570428, 55006485, 36840387, 31650676, 46695619, 54014279, 18936308, 42992378, 23407082, 25013453, 7107728, 7245044, 27038344, 19926293, 14598340, 33416277, 14277714, 12631145, 4827726, 46228287, 25180746, 9921916, 46922514, 52153867, 34569686, 40561994, 56339650, 17097491, 22426750, 24552987, 18829263, 43526417, 43219691, 24126980, 2210084, 27095598, 27429052, 22869700, 33737990, 45377702, 27744273, 9697983, 21905830, 23571519, 23207381, 48186314, 54675522, 48012870, 21950141, 50907758, 56155783, 36118710, 39152868, 4707874, 39538733, 36658168, 2878021, 27323971, 19235082, 1832046, 13760045, 34864254, 26246780, 15590224, 18736660, 5963579, 826457, 33898233, 9293885, 14936481, 57104376, 2199486, 31439454, 30595253, 40687532, 54849380, 42738173, 18354994, 50855740, 49170172, 12199834, 15132587, 17822833, 26455396, 14456497, 46613273, 36913925, 35518969, 26265036, 43300834, 11372932, 54762782, 13027473, 12513428, 3715791, 49253801, 33538715, 41320923, 39872280, 7815627, 12353478, 15785322, 33280607, 11897489, 37716623, 1480378, 26648106, 26023456, 32256875, 13116864, 29334336, 23264667, 16603550, 7780417, 40183160, 6162687, 13828482, 9757873, 35003009, 3928435, 23824753, 10316700, 54664672, 21080517, 23271621, 13428373, 53674956, 36216079, 39764155, 43225868, 25200752, 5492927, 40178275, 26157257, 18741685, 26544891, 3102858, 36098250, 24409577, 32635881, 11003996, 40345738, 19172326, 11458253, 18024124, 54346520, 25554413, 32005451, 50280769, 30836278, 8717724, 11700894, 10624006, 36105988, 56071911, 19218941, 42165897, 19760249, 24995119, 52830852, 12227870, 10726023, 32807082, 31347118, 48380572, 13395473, 42989435, 23958024, 7440915, 19328251, 18917633, 33431454, 51459518, 14509535, 11438816, 18982065); -- Replace these with your desired answer IDs

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