Unsung Hero Hunter


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Find unanswered questions for tags you're interested in. Show users who CAN'T upvote your question, but who can only mark as accepted. This query uses the top 25 tags that you're active in, by your User ID.

Psychology and Neuroscience

Q&A for practitioners, researchers, and students in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, and psychiatry

-- Unsung Hero Hunter
-- Find unanswered questions for tags you're interested in. Show users who CAN'T upvote your question, but who can only mark as accepted.
-- This query uses the top 25 tags that you're active in, by your User ID.

DECLARE @UserID int = ##UserID##
select top 500  p.id, 
'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/' +  CAST(p.id as varchar(100))
from posts as p 
inner join users as u on p.owneruserid = u.id
inner join posttags as pt on pt.postid = p.id
inner join tags as t on t.id = pt.tagid
where u.reputation BETWEEN 2 AND 15 --user has SOME rep.
and acceptedanswerid is null
AND  T.TagName in (
                     select top 25 tagname 
                     from posts as p 
                     inner join posttags as pt on pt.postid = p.id
                     inner join tags as t on t.id = pt.tagid
                     where owneruserid = @UserId
                     GROUP BY TagName 
                     ORDER BY count(*)  DESC
order by p.id desc -- p.CreationDate

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