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-- select users coming from India, China and US
-- the user table has all the information we need

  FROM Users
  WHERE lower(Location) LIKE '%india%' 
  OR lower(Location) LIKE '%china%'
  OR lower(Location) LIKE '%usa%';

-- rewrite using CASE THEN
/*SELECT Id, Location, CASE 
    WHEN lower(Location) LIKE '%india%' THEN 'coming from Inida'
    WHEN lower(Location) LIKE '%china%' THEN 'coming from China'
    WHEN lower(Location) LIKE '%usa%' THEN 'coming from USA'
    WHEN Location IS NULL THEN 'no location information'
    ELSE 'coming from other countries'
    END AS 'country coming from'
 FROM Users;
-- generate a frequency table for reputation
SELECT COUNT(Id) AS 'Counts', Reputation
  FROM Users
  GROUP BY Reputation
  HAVING COUNT(Id) > 100 AND COUNT(Id) < 200

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