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Select distinct q1.before, q2.after, q3.timeforCW
(select count(posthistory.Id) as 'before' 
from posthistory
inner join posts on = posthistory.postid
where posthistory.creationdate< posts.CommunityOwnedDate
and posts.Id=200284 and posthistorytypeid in (4,5,6,7,8,9)) as q1
(select count(posthistory.Id) as 'after'
from posthistory
inner join posts on = posthistory.postid
where posthistory.creationdate> posts.CommunityOwnedDate
and posts.Id=200284 and posthistorytypeid in (4,5,6,7,8,9)) as q2
(SELECT DATEDIFF(hour, Posts.CreationDate, CommunityOwnedDate) as 'timeforCW'
FROM Posts  
    INNER JOIN PostHistory  
    ON Posts.Id=PostHistory.PostId
    where Posts.PostTypeId=1 and 
    posts.Id=200284) as q3

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