Top Users from Algeria all wilaya / أعلى المستخدمين من الجزائر


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SELECT TOP ##Count:int?1000##
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS [#],
        Id AS [User Link],
        -- Id AS ID,
        WebsiteUrl as Wesbite,
        LastAccessDate AS Seen,
        -- Views,
        -- UpVotes,
        -- DownVotes,
FROM Users 
        Reputation >= ##MinimalReputation:int?10## 

        AND (
            UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Algeria%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Algerie%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%جزائر%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Algiers%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Adrar%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Chlef%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Laghouat%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Oum El Bouaghi%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Batna%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Béjaïa%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Biskra%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Béchar%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Blida%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Bouira%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Tamanrasset%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Tébessa%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Tlemcen%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Tiaret%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Tizi Ouzou%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Alger%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Algiers%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Djelfa%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Jijel%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Sétif%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Saïda%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Skikda%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Sidi Bel Abbès%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Annaba%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Guelma%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Constantine%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Médéa%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Mostaganem%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%MSila%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Mascara%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Ouargla%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('Oran')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%El Bayadh%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Illizi%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Bordj Bou Arreridj%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Boumerdès%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%El Tarf%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Tindouf%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Tissemsilt%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%El Oued	%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Khenchela%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Souk Ahras%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Tipaza%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('Mila')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Aïn Defla%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Naâma%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Aïn Témouchent%')
            OR UPPER(Location) LIKE UPPER('%Ghardaïa%')
ORDER BY Reputation DESC

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