select groups, total_user_count from ( select *, case whe...


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select groups,
--[user_count_in_group] = count(Id) over(partition by groups, total_user_count),
from (
select *,
  case when "post_count" = 0 then '0'
  when "post_count" > 0 and "post_count" <= 10 then '1-10'
  when "post_count" > 10 then '10+' end as groups,
  (select count(Id) from Users) as "total_user_count"

select u.Id, count(p.Id) as "post_count" 

from Users u
full outer join Posts p on (p.OwnerUserID = u.Id)
where p.Id is not null
group by u.Id)t
group by groups,total_user_count,Id

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