Q&A about the site for administrators, end users, developers and designers for Craft CMS
SELECT P.*, C.Id AS CommentId, C.PostId AS CommentPostId, C.Score AS CommentScore, C.Text AS CommentText, C.CreationDate AS CommentCreationDate, C.UserDisplayName AS CommentUserDisplayName, C.UserId AS CommentUserId, C.ContentLicense AS CommentContentLicense, V.Id AS VoteId, V.VoteTypeId AS VoteTypeId, V.UserId AS VoteUserId, V.CreationDate AS VoteCreationDate, V.BountyAmount AS VoteBountyAmount FROM Posts P LEFT JOIN Comments C ON C.PostId = P.Id LEFT JOIN Votes V ON V.PostId = P.Id WHERE ( P.Tags LIKE '%<ethics-in-ai>%' ) ORDER BY P.CreationDate DESC;