DECLARE @start_date DATE DECLARE @end_date DATE SET @star...


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Arts and Crafts Meta

Q&A about the site for artists and crafters

DECLARE @start_date DATE
DECLARE @end_date DATE
SET @start_date = '2013-01-01'
SET @end_date = DATEADD(m , 5*12 , @start_date)

SELECT p.Id, p.CreationDate, p.Title, p.Body, p.Tags,
p.ViewCount, p.CommentCount, p.AnswerCount, p.Score 
FROM Posts as p
LEFT JOIN PostTypes as t ON p.PostTypeId =
WHERE p.CreationDate between @start_date and @end_date
AND t.Name = 'Question'
AND p.ViewCount > 20
AND p.CommentCount > 5
AND p.AnswerCount > 1
AND p.Score > 5
AND len(p.Tags) > 0

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