search my vote history on posts with tag powershell


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-- Replace 'your_user_id' with your actual Stack Overflow user ID
DECLARE @UserId INT = 9549068;

    p.Id AS [Post Link],
    CASE v.VoteTypeId
        WHEN 1 THEN 'AcceptedByOriginator'
        WHEN 2 THEN 'UpMod'
        WHEN 3 THEN 'DownMod'
        WHEN 4 THEN 'Offensive'
        WHEN 5 THEN 'Favorite'
        WHEN 6 THEN 'Close'
        WHEN 7 THEN 'Reopen'
        WHEN 8 THEN 'BountyStart'
        WHEN 9 THEN 'BountyClose'
        WHEN 10 THEN 'Deletion'
        WHEN 11 THEN 'Undeletion'
        WHEN 12 THEN 'Spam'
        WHEN 15 THEN 'ModeratorReview'
    END AS VoteType
FROM Votes v
JOIN Posts p ON p.Id = v.PostId
JOIN PostTags pt ON pt.PostId = p.Id
JOIN Tags t ON t.Id = pt.TagId
WHERE v.UserId = @UserId
AND t.TagName = 'powershell'
ORDER BY v.CreationDate DESC;

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