Q&A about the site for software engineers working on automated testing, continuous delivery, service integration and monitoring, and building SDLC infrastructure
SELECT P.CreationDate AS [Post_Creation_Date], P.ViewCount AS [Post_View_Count], P.Tags AS [Post_Tags], P.Score AS [Post_Score], P.AnswerCount AS [Post_Answer_Count], COALESCE(STRING_AGG(R.Score, ','), 'No Responses') AS [Response_Scores], P.OwnerUserId AS [Post_Author], COALESCE(A.OwnerUserId, NULL) AS [Answer_Author] FROM Posts AS P LEFT JOIN Posts AS R ON R.ParentId = P.Id AND R.PostTypeId = 2 LEFT JOIN Posts AS A ON A.Id = P.AcceptedAnswerId WHERE P.PostTypeId = 1 AND P.CreationDate >= '2019-01-30 12:56:44' AND P.CreationDate <= '2019-03-01' GROUP BY P.CreationDate, P.ViewCount, P.Tags, P.Score, P.AnswerCount, P.OwnerUserId, A.OwnerUserId ORDER BY P.CreationDate ASC