Q&A about the site for software engineers working on automated testing, continuous delivery, service integration and monitoring, and building SDLC infrastructure
DECLARE @Days INT = ##Days##; SELECT TOP 50 p.Id AS [Post Link], SUM(CASE WHEN v.VoteTypeId = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Upvotes], SUM(CASE WHEN v.VoteTypeId = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Downvotes], p.Score AS [answer score], p.CreationDate AS [Date Posted] FROM Posts p LEFT JOIN Votes v ON p.Id = v.PostId WHERE p.PostTypeId = 2 AND DATEDIFF(day, p.CreationDate, GETDATE()) <= @Days GROUP BY p.Id, p.Score, p.CreationDate ORDER BY [answer score] DESC