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P.Id,P.Tags, P.CreationDate,U.Location, P.Body

FROM Posts as P
Users as U ON P.OwnerUserId =U.Id

P.PostTypeId=1 AND (P.Tags LIKE '%python%' 
or P.Tags LIKE'%django%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%numpy%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%matplotlib%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%pandas%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%pygame%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%flask%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%tensorflow%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%pyqt%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%keras%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%scikit-learn%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%tkinter%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%beautifulsoup%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%sqlalchemy%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%scrapy%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%pyspark%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%subprocess%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%anaconda%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%pycharm%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%kivy%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%nltk%'
or P.Tags LIKE'%scipy%')
AND P.CreationDate
BETWEEN'04-01-2017' and '04-01-2018'

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