Q&A for experienced flyers, pilots, and builders of drones and model aircraft
SELECT DISTINCT p.Id AS [Post Link], url = 'site://q/' + CAST(p.Id AS varchar), p.CreationDate, p.DeletionDate, p.Score, CASE p.PostTypeId WHEN 1 THEN 'Question' WHEN 2 THEN 'Answer' END, p.ParentId AS [Post Link], p.Tags, p.ViewCount FROM PostsWithDeleted p INNER JOIN Votes v ON v.PostId=p.Id WHERE v.VoteTypeId=##votetype?12## AND p.PostTypeId IN (##types?1,2##) ---types=1 to show only questions ---types=2 to show only answers AND (p.CreationDate >= '##Date1?2024-03-01##') AND (p.CreationDate <= '##Date2?2024-06-01##') ORDER BY p.Id DESC ---1 = AcceptedByOriginator ---2 = UpMod (AKA upvote) ---3 = DownMod (AKA downvote) ---4 = Offensive ---5 = Favorite (AKA bookmark; UserId will also be populated) ---6 = Close (effective 2013-06-25: Close votes are only stored in table: PostHistory) ---7 = Reopen ---8 = BountyStart (UserId and BountyAmount will also be populated) ---9 = BountyClose (BountyAmount will also be populated) ---10 = Deletion ---11 = Undeletion ---12 = Spam ---15 = ModeratorReview (i.e., a moderator looking at a flagged post) ---16 = ApproveEditSuggestion