Top Percentiles of users


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Calculates the percentiles of users by reputation, overall. The percentiles show the lower minimal value for each percentile. E.g. to be in the top 5% of users, you must have at least the reputation as shown in the p05 column. The p001 and p005 show the the top 0.1% and 0.5% of reputation.

Drones and Model Aircraft Meta

Q&A for experienced flyers, pilots, and builders of drones and model aircraft

WITH top_users(reputation)
AS (
    reputation > 200
select top 1
  percentile_disc(0.001) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY reputation desc) OVER() AS p001,
  percentile_disc(0.005) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY reputation desc) OVER() AS p005,
  percentile_disc(0.01) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY reputation desc) OVER() AS p01,
  percentile_disc(0.05) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY reputation desc) OVER() AS p05,
  percentile_disc(0.10) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY reputation desc) OVER() AS p10,
  percentile_disc(0.20) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY reputation desc) OVER() AS p20,
  percentile_disc(0.30) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY reputation desc) OVER() AS p30,
  percentile_disc(0.40) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY reputation desc) OVER() AS p40
from top_users

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