select as [Post Link], q.score as [Question Score], ...


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Drones and Model Aircraft Meta

Q&A for experienced flyers, pilots, and builders of drones and model aircraft

select as [Post Link], 
  q.score as [Question Score], a.score as [Answer Score],
  q.answercount as [Total Answers],
  q.creationDate as [Question Asked], a.creationdate as [Answer Posted],
  u.reputation as [Answerer Current Rep]
from posts a
  inner join posts q on a.parentid =
  inner join users u on a.owneruserid =
where datediff(month, a.creationdate, q.creationdate) > 6 -- very late answers
  and a.score < 2                                         -- that probably weren't great
  and q.closeddate is null                                -- on still-open questions
  and q.answercount > 12                                  -- with too many answers already
  and u.reputation < 10000                                -- pretend 10k users know better
--  and not exists (select * from posthistory ph 
--                  where ph.postid = 
--                    and ph.posthistorytypeid = 14 ) -- ignore locked posts

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