I read too many tutorials for this tbh Update 6:58pm UTC: Is not working right now, trying to get questions tagged with logical-deduction and those with grid-deduction
Q&A for Drupal developers and administrators
SELECT p.Title, p.Id, p.Score, p.ViewCount, u.DisplayName, p.Tags FROM Posts p JOIN Users u ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id INNER JOIN PostTags pt ON p.Id=pt.PostId INNER JOIN Tags t ON t.id = pt.TagId WHERE p.PostTypeId=1 AND ( (t.TagName=##tagName:string?logical-deduction## AND t.TagName<>##tagName:string?grid-deduction##) OR (t.TagName LIKE '%grid-deduction%' AND t.TagName NOT LIKE '%grid-deduction%') ) AND p.Score <=10 AND p.Score >=0 AND p.AcceptedAnswerId is null ORDER BY p.Score DESC