Find identical titles in given tag (SE 2.0 version)


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We exclude closed questions, and also show the creation date of the posts. This does not work on the trilogy sites (SO, SU, SF) and some of SE 2.0 (mathematics, gis, webapps, stats, stackapps, gamedev, webmasters) - use the trilogy version ( there. Also, I'm not sure if I did all the replacements right.

Drupal Answers

Q&A for Drupal developers and administrators

-- We exclude closed questions, and also show the creation date of the posts.
-- This does not work on the trilogy sites (SO, SU, SF) and some of SE 2.0
-- (mathematics, gis, webapps, stats, stackapps, gamedev, webmasters) - 
-- use the trilogy version (
-- there.
-- Also, I'm not sure if I did all the replacements right.

DECLARE @tag nvarchar(25) = ##tag:string##;

SET @tag = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(@tag, '-', 'ö'), '+', 'ç'), '#', 'ñ'), '.', 'û');
DECLARE @tagpattern nvarchar(29) = '%é' + @tag + 'à%';

SELECT a.Id AS [Post Link], a.CreationDate AS "First Date",
       b.Id AS [Post Link], b.CreationDate AS "Second Date"
FROM Posts AS a JOIN Posts AS b ON a.Title = b.Title
WHERE a.Id < b.Id
  and (a.Tags like @tagpattern or b.Tags like @tagpattern)
  and a.ClosedDate IS NULL
  and b.ClosedDate IS NULL;

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