Pivot Table without aggregate


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declare @t1 table(
    person_id int,
    item_name varchar(30),
    item_value varchar(100)
insert into @t1 values(1,'NAME', 'john');
insert into @t1 values(1,'GENDER', 'M');
insert into @t1 values(1,'DOB', '1970/02/01')
insert into @t1 values(1,'M_PHONE' , '1234567890');
insert into @t1 values(1,'ADDRESS','Some Addresses unknown');

    Select person_id as 'NAME',
           MAX(case WHEN item_name = 'GENDER' then item_value end ) as 'GENDER',
           MAX(case WHEN item_name = 'M_PHONE' then item_value end) as 'M_PHONE',
           MAX(case WHEN item_name = 'ADDRESS' then item_value end) as 'ADDRESS'
    From @t1
    group by person_id

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