Q&A for those interested in the geology, meteorology, oceanography, and environmental sciences
/* Answering questions is encouraged on StackOverflow, but users of low rep do sometimes create low-quality question-and-answers to attract the odd bit of rep. */ SELECT Question.Id, Question.OwnerDisplayName FROM Posts Question INNER JOIN Posts Answer ON (Answer.ParentId = Question.Id) INNER JOIN Users ON (Users.Id = Question.OwnerUserId) WHERE Question.PostTypeId = 1 AND Answer.PostTypeId = 2 /* The asker has answered their own question */ AND Question.OwnerUserId = Answer.OwnerUserId /* Sockpuppetted questions probably won't be that great anyway */ AND Question.Score < 10 /* Involved accounts won't have great rep */ AND Users.Reputation < 1000 /* Limit posts whilst testing */ --AND Question.Id < 5000 /* Most recent items probably won't be detected yet */ ORDER BY Question.CreationDate DESC