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select date, acceptScore + case when upVoteScore > 200 then 200 else upVoteScore end + downVoteScore score from ( select convert(nvarchar(10), date, 120) date, sum(acceptScore) acceptScore, sum(upVoteScore) upVoteScore, sum(downVoteScore) downVoteScore from ( select cast(v.CreationDate as Date) as date, sum(case when v.VoteTypeId = 1 then 15 else 0 end) as acceptScore, sum(case when v.VoteTypeId = 2 and p.PostTypeId = 1 then 5 when v.VoteTypeId = 2 and p.PostTypeId = 2 then 10 else 0 end) as upVoteScore, sum(case when v.VoteTypeId = 3 then -2 else 0 end) as downVoteScore from votes v join posts p on p.Id = v.PostId and p.posttypeid in (1,2) and p.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null where v.creationDate between dateadd(d, -##days##, getdate()) and getdate() group by cast(v.CreationDate as Date) union select cast(v.CreationDate as Date), sum(2), 0, 0 from votes v join posts p on p.posttypeid = 2 and = v.postid join posts q on p.parentid = and q.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## where v.creationDate between dateadd(d, -21, getdate()) and getdate() and v.VoteTypeId = 1 group by cast(v.CreationDate as Date) ) x group by date) y order by 1 desc