Identify who first created a tag, and how many questions use it.
Q&A for ebook publishers and readers
create table #tago ( TagId int, TagName NVarchar(25), TagDate DateTime, TagCount int, Owner int, Display NVarchar(40), Awarded NVarchar(3), cpost int, RevisionLink NVarchar(250)) declare @tid int, @tname NVarchar(25), @tcnt int, @phid int, @rcnt int, @uid int, @dname NVarchar(40), @awarded int, @guid uniqueidentifier, @pid int, @cdate DateTime; declare TAGS cursor for select Id, TagName, "Count" from Tags open TAGS fetch next from TAGS into @tid, @tname, @tcnt while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN print 'processing tag ' + @tname; select @phid = Min(Id) from PostHistory where PostHistoryTypeId in (3, 6) and Text like '%<' + @tname + '>%' select @pid = PostId, @uid = UserId, @cdate = CreationDate, @dname = case when UserId is null then UserDisplayName else (select DisplayName from users where Id = ph.UserId) end from PostHistory ph where Id = @phid select @rcnt = count(distinct RevisionGUID) from PostHistory where PostId = @pid and Id <= @phid and PostHistoryTypeId < 10 select @awarded = count (Id) from Badges where UserId = @uid and Name = 'Taxonomist' and @tcnt >= 50 insert into #tago select @tid, @tname, @cdate, @tcnt, @uid, @dname, case when @awarded = 0 then '' else 'Yes' end, @pid, 'site://revisions/' + cast(@pid as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(@rcnt as nvarchar) + '|Revision ' + cast(@rcnt as nvarchar) fetch next from TAGS into @tid, @tname, @tcnt END select TagName, TagCount, TagDate, Owner [User Link], Display [Name], Awarded, cpost as [Post Link], RevisionLink as [Revision] from #tago