User Activity


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Plot the user activity for a site, aggregated per 28 days.


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declare @epoch as datetime = DATEADD(WEEK, - ##Weeks:int?240## - 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

with UserAct as (

        select distinct
               DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CreationDate) / 28 * 28, 0) as YearMon,
               UserId as UserId
        from PostHistory
        where CreationDate > @epoch
        select distinct
               DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CreationDate) / 28 * 28, 0) as YearMon,
        from Comments
        where CreationDate > @epoch

) , Activity as (

    select YearMon,
           'Active Users in Week' as Series,
           count(UserId) as Action
    from UserAct u
    group by YearMon
select *
from Activity
pivot (
    for Series in (
        [Active Users in Week]))
    as Pivoted
where YearMon >= DATEADD(WEEK, - ##Weeks:int?240## , CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) -- previous 60 weeks.
and YearMon < DateAdd(dd, -1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) -- ignore most recent week.
order by YearMon

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