Pits one user up against another. Where both users have answered the same question a user has won if they have the accepted answer, or they have more votes where neither have the accepted answer. (FYI Jon Skeet (Id:22656), Marc Gravell (Id:23354))
Q&A for ebook publishers and readers
-- Answerer Fight! -- Pits one user up against another. Where both users have answered the same question a user has won if they have the accepted answer, or they have more votes where neither have the accepted answer. (FYI Jon Skeet (Id:22656), Marc Gravell (Id:23354)) SELECT SUM(User1Point) AS User1Wins, SUM(User2Point) AS User2Wins, SUM(1 - (User1Point + User2Point)) AS Draws, COUNT(*) AS TotalMatches FROM ( SELECT User1Answers.ParentId, CASE WHEN (SELECT AcceptedAnswerId FROM Posts WHERE Id = User1Answers.ParentId) = User1Answers.Id THEN 1 WHEN (SELECT AcceptedAnswerId FROM Posts WHERE Id = User2Answers.ParentId) = User2Answers.Id THEN 0 WHEN User1Answers.Score > User2Answers.Score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS User1Point, CASE WHEN (SELECT AcceptedAnswerId FROM Posts WHERE Id = User2Answers.ParentId) = User2Answers.Id THEN 1 WHEN (SELECT AcceptedAnswerId FROM Posts WHERE Id = User1Answers.ParentId) = User1Answers.Id THEN 0 WHEN User2Answers.Score > User1Answers.Score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS User2Point FROM Posts User1Answers INNER JOIN Posts User2Answers ON User1Answers.ParentId = User2Answers.ParentId WHERE User1Answers.PostTypeId = 2 AND User1Answers.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL AND User1Answers.ClosedDate IS NULL AND User1Answers.OwnerUserId = ##User1Id## AND User2Answers.PostTypeId = 2 AND User2Answers.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL AND User2Answers.ClosedDate IS NULL AND User2Answers.OwnerUserId = ##User2Id## ) tmp