Targetting recent posts (within 30 days) that may not be answers. Marking these as not an answer may help achieve the Marshall badge. This is based on a pre-existing query by p.campbell.
Q&A for ebook publishers and readers
-- Not an answer? -- Targetting recent posts (within 30 days) that may not be answers. Marking these as not an answer may help achieve the Marshall badge. This is based on a pre-existing query by p.campbell. select p.Id AS [Post Link], p.body, p.creationdate from [users] as u inner join posts as p on = p.owneruserid and u.reputation < 200 and posttypeid = 2 and len(p.body)<200 and p.score < 1 --and datediff(dd,p.creationdate, getdate())<60 where (body like '%how can%' or body like '%same problem%' or body like '%thank%' or body like '%thx%' or body like '%please%' or body like '%plz%' or body like '%pls%') order by desc