A simple queried list of obvious spammers: List of user profiles with lengthy descriptions, inactive since shortly after creation (which was not recently), with very-low-rep (usually 1), Sorted by "NUMBER OF HTTP LINKS FOUND IN BIO". Disclaimer: I haven't put a ton of time into this. Like anything it can only be improved, and it isn't exactly "machine learning"... I haven't looked through all these links manually but a random sampling make me very confident these could all be safely deleted, nobody would miss them (likely not even the OP would notice)
Q&A for ebook publishers and readers
--List of extracted URLs: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/874148 select top ##MaxRecords:int?1000## id as [User Link], datediff(MM,creationdate,getdate()) as [Profile Age month], datediff(MM,lastaccessdate,getdate()) as[Last Access month], Reputation, (len(aboutme)-len(replace(aboutme,'http','')))/4 as [#Links in Bio], len(aboutme) as ['AboutMe' Length], --DisplayName,'http://stackoverflow.com/u/'+cast(id as nvarchar) as UserLink, --uncomment this line if exporting to CSV views as [#ProfileViews] into #spammers from users where reputation <= ##MaxRep:int?10## --under 20 reputation and len(aboutme)>= ##MinLength:int?250## --length of Bio over 500 characters and (len(aboutme)-len(replace(aboutme,'http','')))/4 > ##LinksInProfile:int?5## --count of links and ( ##NoActivitySinceCreation:int?1## <>1 --1=True, 2=False (True = last access within 1 month of creation or datediff(MM,creationdate,getdate())<=1+datediff(MM,lastaccessdate,getdate()) ) --inactive since month profile was created and lastaccessdate<dateadd(MM,0-##LastAccessMonths:int?4##,getdate()) --inactive >=4 months select rank() over (order by [#Links in Bio] desc) as Rank, *, row_number() over (order by [#Links in Bio] desc) as Row from #spammers order by [#Links in Bio] desc, ['AboutMe' Length] desc -- MaxRecords:Maximum number of records to display?................................. -- MaxRep:Maximum reputation of user?................................................. -- MinLength:Minimum Length of 'About Me' section?.................................. -- LinksInProfile:Mininum # of HTTP links in profile?......................................... -- NoActivitySinceCreation: Only users with no activity since profile creation? (1=Ya, 2=No) -- LastAccessMonths:Minimum # of months since last activity?................................