Q&A for ebook publishers and readers
SELECT -- Total Reputation ( SUM(CASE WHEN r2d.ReputationFromVotes + r2d.ReputationFromSuggestedEdits > 200 THEN 200 ELSE r2d.ReputationFromVotes + r2d.ReputationFromSuggestedEdits END) + SUM(r2d.ReputationFromBounties) + COALESCE((SELECT SUM(v4.BountyAmount * -1) FROM Votes AS v4 WHERE v4.VoteTypeId = 8 AND v4.UserId = ##UserId## AND v4.CreationDate < ##UntilDate:string## ),0) + COALESCE((SELECT COUNT(*) * 2 FROM Posts AS p3 WHERE p3.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## AND p3.AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL),0) + SUM(r2d.ReputationFromAccepts) ) AS TotalReputation, -- Rep Capped Activities with the Cap Factored in SUM( CASE WHEN r2d.ReputationFromVotes + r2d.ReputationFromSuggestedEdits > 200 THEN 200 ELSE r2d.ReputationFromVotes + r2d.ReputationFromSuggestedEdits END) AS ReputationFromRepCap, -- Total Bounties recieved SUM(r2d.ReputationFromBounties) AS ReputationFromBounties, -- Total Bounties given COALESCE((SELECT SUM(v4.BountyAmount * -1) FROM Votes AS v4 WHERE v4.VoteTypeId = 8 AND v4.UserId = ##UserId## AND v4.CreationDate < ##UntilDate:string## ),0) AS ReputationGivenAsBounties, -- Total Reputation from Accepting Answers COALESCE((SELECT COUNT(*) * 2 FROM Posts AS p3 WHERE p3.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## AND p3.AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL),0) AS ReputationFromAcceptingAnswers, -- Total Reputation from Accepted Answers SUM(r2d.ReputationFromAccepts) AS ReputationFromAcceptedAnswers FROM ( SELECT v.CreationDate AS VoteDate, -- Total Reputation from Post Upvotes -- PostTypeId 1 = Question, 2 = Answer -- VoteTypeId 2 = Upvote, 3 = Downvote -- CommunityOwnedDate is when a post was made CW. -- Votes before that count, after not. -- Vote Date is truncated to full days only so grouping works SUM((CASE WHEN (p.PostTypeId = 1 AND v.VoteTypeId = 2 AND (p.CommunityOwnedDate > v.CreationDate OR p.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL)) THEN 10 WHEN (p.PostTypeId = 2 AND v.VoteTypeId = 2 AND (p.CommunityOwnedDate > v.CreationDate OR p.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL)) THEN 10 WHEN (v.VoteTypeId = 3 AND (p.CommunityOwnedDate > v.CreationDate OR p.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL)) THEN -2 ELSE 0 END)) AS ReputationFromVotes, -- Total Reputation from Answer Bounties -- VoteTypeId 9 = Bounty Close (Bounty Awarded) -- BountyAmount = Amount of Reputation awarded SUM(CASE WHEN v.VoteTypeId = 9 THEN v.BountyAmount ELSE 0 END) AS ReputationFromBounties, -- Total Reputation from Answer Accepts -- VoteTypeId 1 = AcceptedByOriginator (Answer Accepted) SUM(CASE WHEN (v.VoteTypeId = 1 AND (p.CommunityOwnedDate > v.CreationDate OR p.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL)) THEN 15 ELSE 0 END) AS ReputationFromAccepts, -- Total Reputation from Suggested Edits -- if ApprovalDate isn't NULL and RejectionDate is NULL it's been approved and not overriden -- Group by the same Date as Votes for Rep-Cap evaluation (They count towards it) COALESCE((SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN (se.ApprovalDate IS NOT NULL AND se.RejectionDate IS NULL) THEN 2 ELSE 0 END) FROM SuggestedEdits AS se WHERE se.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## AND YEAR(v.CreationDate) = YEAR(se.ApprovalDate) AND MONTH(v.CreationDate) = MONTH(se.ApprovalDate) AND DAY(v.CreationDate) = DAY(se.ApprovalDate) ),0) AS ReputationFromSuggestedEdits FROM Posts AS p INNER JOIN Votes AS v ON v.PostId = p.Id WHERE p.OwnerUserId = ##UserId:int## AND v.CreationDate <= ##UntilDate:string## GROUP BY v.CreationDate ) as r2d