A collection of posts that got a lot of early viral attention...
Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics
declare @ageDays numeric = ##Days## declare @lastDate DATETIME SET @lastDate = (SELECT MAX(CreationDate) FROM Votes) select top 1000 (CASE Posts.PostTypeId WHEN 1 THEN 'Q' WHEN 2 THEN 'A' END), Posts.Id AS "Post Link", Posts.OwnerUserId AS "User Link", [Age] = DATEDIFF(DAY,Posts.CreationDate,@lastDate), [Early Score] = SUM(CASE WHEN VoteTypeId = 2 THEN 1 WHEN VoteTypeId = 3 THEN -1 END), [Current Score] = Posts.Score from Votes INNER JOIN Posts ON Posts.Id = Votes.PostId WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY,Posts.CreationDate,Votes.CreationDate) <= @ageDays group by Posts.Id, Posts.OwnerUserId, Posts.PostTypeId, Posts.Score, Posts.CreationDate order by [Early Score] desc