Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics
declare @word nvarchar(max) = '%##word##%' declare @post_body nvarchar(max) declare @post_id int declare @wordPos int declare @httpPos int declare @url nvarchar(250) declare @fullUrl nvarchar(250) declare posts_crs CURSOR FOR SELECT TOP(##num?500##) p.Id, p.Body FROM Posts p INNER JOIN Posts q ON q.Id=COALESCE(p.ParentId,p.Id) WHERE p.id in (302023, 104770) and (p.Body Like @word) ORDER BY q.LastActivityDate DESC OPEN posts_crs; FETCH NEXT FROM posts_crs INTO @post_id, @post_body; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN set @wordPos = patindex(@word, @post_body) -- print @wordPos set @url = substring(@post_body, @wordPos - 30, 30 + len(@word)) -- print @url set @httpPos = patindex('%http%', @url) -- print @httpPos set @fullUrl = substring(@url, @httpPos, len(@url) - @httpPos) print concat('id: ', @post_id , ', url: ' , @fullUrl) FETCH NEXT FROM posts_crs INTO @post_id, @post_body; END; CLOSE posts_crs; DEALLOCATE posts_crs;