Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics
with answered_cte AS ( SELECT q.Id AS qid, q.CreationDate AS created, MIN(a.CreationDate) AS answered FROM Posts q INNER JOIN Posts a ON a.ParentId=q.Id WHERE (q.PostTypeId=1) and (q.AnswerCount>0) ---only question which have at least one answer AND ((a.OwneruserId<>q.OwnerUserId) OR (a.OwnerDisplayName<>q.OwnerDisplayName)) ---not post by the asker GROUP BY q.Id, q.CreationDate ) SELECT top (##num?1000##) qid AS [Post Link], created, answered, DATEDIFF(month, created, answered) AS Months, DATEDIFF(day, created, answered) AS Days, DATEDIFF(hour, created, answered) AS Hours, DATEDIFF(minute, created, answered) AS Minutes, DATEDIFF(second, created, answered) AS Seconds, created, answered FROM answered_cte ORDER BY seconds ASC