Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics
declare @epoch datetime = getdate(); with ask_days as ( select OwnerUserId, dateadd(day, datediff(day, @epoch, CreationDate), @epoch) day, min(Score) worst, max(Score) best, count(ClosedDate) closed, count(*) N from Posts where PostTypeId = 1 and OwnerUserId in (##UserId##) and ClosedDate is null group by dateadd(day, datediff(day, @epoch, CreationDate), @epoch), OwnerUserId ), good_days as ( select OwnerUserId, count(*) N from ask_days where best >= 1 and closed = 0 group by OwnerUserId ), badges as ( select OwnerUserId, N, case when N >= ##bronze?5## then 1 end curious, case when N >= ##silver?30## then 1 end inquisitive, case when N >= ##gold?100## then N/100 end socratic from good_days join Users u on u.Id = OwnerUserId ) select OwnerUserId as [User Link], N, curious, inquisitive, socratic from badges order by N desc;