Vandalism finder


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Finds my posts that were last edited by someone other than me. Enter user id and an optional set of comma-separated post id's to ignore (use a space to ignore nothing).


Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics

-- Vandalism finder
-- Finds my posts that were last edited by someone other than me.
-- Enter user id and an optional set of comma-separated post id's to ignore (use a space to ignore nothing).

DECLARE @UserId         INT = ##UserId##;
DECLARE @IgnorePosts    VARCHAR(4096) = ##PostsToIgnore:string##;

    P.Id               AS [Post ID]
  , P.LastEditorUserId AS [User Link]
  , P.Id               AS [Post Link]
  ,  CONVERT (VARCHAR(10), P.LastEditDate, 112)  AS [Edit Date]

FROM        Posts AS P
WHERE       P.OwnerUserId <> P.LastEditorUserId
AND         P.OwnerUserId = @UserId 
-- SLOW, but Ok for our small data set...
AND CharIndex (',' + CAST (P.Id AS VARCHAR) + ',', ',' + @IgnorePosts + ',') = 0 

  , CONVERT (VARCHAR(10), P.LastEditDate, 112)  
  , P.Id

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